
Hi there!

I’m a Ugandan, female, in my 20s and on my journey to financial independence. Hopefully, when I get there, I can then take the leap and chill a bit.

I started blogging here to document this journey to reaching FIRE and to have a place where I could talk ad nauseum about money and not be judged (jk).

I like talking about money, which, it turns out, isn’t very common for a young black African woman to talk about. I want to talk about how to save more money, make more money, spend money with more intention and best of all, how to have money that works for you, and your loved ones.

Money for me, is a means to an end. I want to live a comfortable life doing the things that I love with people that I love. Sadly, we live in a capitalist world so it won’t be until I am free of the worry that financial instability brings, that I will happily live my life as abundantly as I dream it to be.

I hope to use this blog as a platform to show fellow young Ugandans that it is not as impossible as it seems to free oneself of these money shackles. Hard, maybe but not impossible. You just have to light a fire under you, pun intended. I hope to show that it mostly involves identifying your primary aspirations for life, and charting a path to achieve them. I hope this blog stays around for many years, and that my journey over the months and years might be a source of inspiration for someone else as they read it.

Along the way, I will share my money mistakes, my lessons, my wins, my thoughts, my suggestions and my research which will include books, blogs, podcasts, videos I’m encountering on personal finance. I don’t know everything so the plan’s to go & grow on this documented journey and become an even more mindful consumer.

Accountability is important to me and so I hope that whatever I write will always be factually accurate, and not misleading. Sometimes, it might not or it might be outdated, and for that I apologise and also remind you, as a reader, that I am not a finance professional in any way, shape or form. Just an enthusiast about personal finance, at best. Do correct me, where I err and even more importantly, do your own research before making money moves for yourself.

Thank you for reading, and welcome to our FIRE journey!

If you would like to speak to me, feel free to reach out at hello (at) fieryugandan.com

PS: FIRE is aka FI/RE is aka Financial Independence/Retire Early is aka Financial Independence & Early Retirement.
